Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Fanciful and Fabulous Firefly Parade

An Invitation has been issued. Please join me at day-down (sundown to you non-mountaineers), just up the hollow for The Fanciful and Fabulous Firefly Parade.

I wait on my front porch expectantly, supper dishes washed, and apron hung on its peg. My eyes focus on the huge field across from my farmhouse. Darkness descends like a velvet curtain pierced with miniature stars. I step quietly into the thousands of flickering lights, as the magic slowly rises from the grass, and then disappears into the tops of the trees.

I always wish for a few more magical moments amid this beauty but, the lights dim, as if a master switch has been thrown and the field loses its glory.

I repeat this beautiful dance, night after lazy-summer night. Sometimes my husband joins me, doubling my enjoyment of the light parade.

I know this seems a poor source of entertainment to the tech savvy population of the world. No whistles; no bells, just a soft retreat from the business of life.

Such is the tug of the mountains.

Good night, Sweet Readers, rest peacefully under His heaven.

Love you bunches,

Dee Dee

Image courtesy of Hearthside Cabin Rentals. Click here to view their firefly event in the park.


  1. What an "ahhhh" moment. If I lived closer Dee Dee, I would be there tonight to enjoy the firefly show and the moment with you. Thank you so much for sharing your hollow with us!!!!!

  2. I may just stop by and watch with you.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Cecil. The firefly parade will take your breath away! Come visit us soon.

  4. Sounds lovely, Dee Dee! Thanks for taking us to that place with your words--a nice refreshing treat at the end of the day :-)

    1. Having trouble with this comment Lyneta...will try again. You gleaned just what I hoped for from this simple post. Free blessings from the Lord...all for the taking. Please come visit often!

  5. Absolutely lovely, Dee Dee. The first firefly parade I ever attended was in an open field on Glade Mountain in Canton, NC. We don't have such wonders in the Midlands of SC, I fear. Thanks for sharing yours :)

    1. The mountains do offer beauty at every turn, Lori. Come visit!

  6. Replies
    1. So glad you did, Marcie.Come visit with me here often. Keep writing your beautiful poetry.

  7. Just sitting and truly seeing is a miracle---and you have shared it so well. Thank you. Patty

    1. Thank you, Patty. Your blog often brings a smile to my face! I appreciate you leaving a comment.

  8. A beautiful post, Dee Dee! Catching fireflies in a jar is such a wonderful childhood memory for me. It seems that for a long time, there weren't many. I've enjoyed seeing more of them lately. I'm glad you have a ringside seat to this magic. Keep writing and being the inspiration that you are. Love you!

    1. Thank you so much, Starr. It is dark here in the hollow and the field is vast...the fireflies are truly magical. The Lord gives us so much beauty. Please visit often. Love you, beautiful lady.

  9. Lovely! I miss fireflies. We don't have them here in Colorado, but I always look for them when I visit family in Indiana. My short story on my blog today was inspired by a firefly parade I witnessed while in Indiana recently.

    1. We were on the same page with our firefly posts, Tammie. Looking forward to reading your short story!

  10. Love this, Dee Dee - took me right there to the mountains with you - illuminated by nature . . .miss you, dear CCC sister!

    1. Thank you, Verna. SO good to hear from you. Please come visit often. Wish we could all get together to catch up.

  11. DeeDee
    This is so poetic and transports me to the mountains with you. Keep writing!



Thank you!

Blessings, Dee Dee