Saturday, October 3, 2015

Heaven's Breath

by Dee Dee Parker

Mornings are always magical in the mountains, but never more so than when heather-grey fog fills the hollow. I walk quietly among the balsam pines, sentinels along my path, their limbs gently holding me fast to a place I love dearly. I nod as I pass in homage to the trees age and perseverance through rime ice frostings, snowy-wind dances, pumpkin-hued sun flakes and starlight kisses. 

I know the path through the trees well…we are old friends. My feet step sure with the fog’s dampness clinging to my skin and hair, a soothing balm in the fast fading warmth of summer.

Outlines of cows enjoying their alfresco breakfast of emerald grass emerge from the fog as it lifts upwards, chased by the sun as if engaging in a spirited game of morning tag. 

I focus my camera lens in an attempt to capture the ethereal images before they become clearer and somewhat more ordinary sans the gossamer fog curtain. 

Turning homeward, I stop to fling a prayer to my heavenly Father, the giver of this beautiful experience and of all perfect gifts. I feel as if I’ve walked through heaven’s breath. 

This precious time of sweet, quiet fellowship with my creator will come again when another morning dawns draped in folds of fog. I will walk once more on the path and know that He is God before the world clangs with noise and draws me into the business of everyday life.  

Sweet Readers, mornings are indeed magical in the mountains.

The Spirit of God has made me; 
the breath of the Almighty gives me life. 
Job 33:4 NIV

Come go home with me again soon, the mountains are whispering of fall.

Love you bunches,
Dee Dee


  1. I wish I was there to walk among the Balsam Pines with you, sweet friend -- but maybe not today. :) Stay safe in the hollow. Beautiful post!

    1. Thanks, Cathy, We will do it on a day with a little less rain. Stay safe in the flatlands.

  2. Dee-Dee, this is a lovely testament to the beauty of our mountains. I was walking the path with you too. You are so precious.

    1. Thank you so much Nan. I know you love our mountains too. So happy to have you walking with me.

  3. DeeDee, I love the fog, the mountains, and quiet mornings. Thank you for taking me there this morning. Lovely post!

    1. Thank you so much,Tammie. The Lord is so near on these walks. Loved that you joined with me and the other ladies.

  4. Lovely, Dee Dee! I awakened to a fog-filled morning here in my New Mexico mountain home, but I feel as if I had walked with you!

    1. Thanks so much, Norma Gail. Love that we can walk together even when separated by miles.

  5. Your words are like music, Dee Dee. Thank you for sharing your gift.

    1. Jeanne, thanks so much. I love the new look of your blog.



Thank you!

Blessings, Dee Dee