Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Mountains and Me Are Settlin’ In

Christmas has come and gone here in the hollow. All that is left of this blessed holiday, besides the lingering notes of the beautiful carols and my continuing love of the holy Babe, is one ornament that rolled under the corner hutch and a lone strand of tinsel stuck in the broom’s straw.

Like our elders, who on cold nights ease themselves into their rocking chairs before a crackling fire, the mountains appear to be settlin’ in for winter. They seem to hunker down, their trees holding rank against the winter winds. The multicolored lights that shone in the dark nights until Christmas have been packed away. Now the occasional, lackluster white porch light is all that glows up the hollow.

Long, fragrant puffs of smoke rise from chimneys. I like to think the mountains gather the grey plumes onto themselves like blankets, seeking the last vestiges of their warmth.

It is time now for inside activities such as assembling puzzles, reading long awaited books, piecing handwork and enjoying cozy naps. It is time for sipping coffee or hot chocolate laden with marshmallows while watching favorite TV series. It is time for dreaming once again of future gardens and circling plants and seed to order from catalogs while snow and wind dance around the house.

My heated throw feels good on my aging bones. Fake fur slippers are constant companions these winter days and nights. Greta, the dog and Tanner, the cat jockey for prime places near the stove.

I believe, maybe the mountains, although they enjoyed the gathering of kith and kin that made their way home from far away places, are tired of all the hoopla and are ready to rest and keep watch over their homefolk.

I love this slowing-down time of winter. For me it is a time of reflection. I glance over at my husband and give thanks for a long, Godly marriage. I cherish the walls of this old farmhouse that hold loving memories in and keep want at bay.

Yesiree, I feel the mountains and me are settlin’ in.

Come go home with me sweet readers, the coffee is hot and doesn’t a slice of apple pie sound inviting?

Love you bunches,
Dee Dee


  1. Your words are even more inviting than the apple pie, and that's saying something! It's nice to see you back on your blog. Great pics, too!

    1. Thanks so much for the sweet comment, Cathy. Still loving my blog did a wonderful job for me. I am so blessed.

  2. Did I detect an invitation for apple pie?! What a beautiful piece, Miss Dee Dee. Getting my arms warmed up to give you a hug at BRMCWC. Be well!

  3. Your words almost changed my mind about the long cold winter ahead. ALMOST. Maybe if I read it one more time.... LOL! Loved it! Love you!

    1. LOL! Starr, after Christmas my heart turns toward Spring...not saying I do want more snow-cream. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Please hurry back.

  4. As much as I don't need any more snow in my life, you make the wintery reminder so inviting. I felt it in my bones even without a heated throw.

    1. Thank you, Marcia. I am under my heated throw this very minute.:) I am blessed to live among these beautiful mountains. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I loved your post on Cathy's blog!

  5. Lovely Dee Dee. Will you be at Boot Camp? God bless you and yours.

    1. Thanks so much, Phyllis. I will be at Boot Camp. Can't wait to spend some time with you.

  6. Replies
    1. Cynthia, you are so sweet. So happy you like the new look of the blog.

  7. Oh how I wish I had a fireplace to cozy up to and settle down. Maybe one day I will be able to but this season of life does not allow for it. I love your prose. I feel like I'm sitting with you drinking hot chocolate and enjoying each others company.

    1. Thank you so much Marcie. We share a poet's heart. :)
      Looking forward to sitting in front of the fireplace with you at The Cove.

  8. I love this, Dee Dee! You and I share favorite winter activities. My mountains in New Mexico are covered in snow and it is snowing again! We spent three days snowed in with a broken snowblower and an almost empty propane tank. Our driveway has taken on the appearance of a bobsled run at the Olympics. I wish we could share that warm apple pie together!

    1. Thanks so much, Norma Gail. I've been enjoying your beautiful snow pictures. I prayed for you during this time of winter weather. I will save you a slice of pie! :)

  9. I wish we live closer Dee Dee! I would love to sit with you with a mug of hot chocolate. Hugs and kisses!

  10. What a pleasure to enter your neighborhood and join you at the inviting fireside of your words today. You are loved!

  11. Dee Dee, we have not seen each ither in several years now. I still think of last conversation at the Cove. You are one of the people brought briefly into my life in person but often, very often, come to mind and bring a smile. Wish I could be at Boot Camp but am still recovering from a stroke in my eye and not allowed to drive that distance at this time.



Thank you!

Blessings, Dee Dee