Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Happy July 4th

by Dee Dee Parker
Happy 4th Thistledown Hollow
Dear Sweet Readers, 

Starting at 11:00 am at the fork of Rushie Creek, you know, where the little island is, we will be filling up both banks with family and friends. Come earlier if you want a great spot.  At 12:30 on the east side of the creek, we will start the line for feasting with friends. Everyone bring a meat and 2 sides. Desserts count as a side. 

Then, throughout the day, there will be sack races, badminton, corn hole and other such fun activities. Hopefully, there won't be an incident with the dogs  this year causing an uproar at the badminton court and running off with all the birdies.   

Once lunch has had time to settle, we will have a raft parade with a plate of Tine Sutton's double chocolate brownies for the winner of most festive float. 

After a wonderful afternoon together swimming and playing, everyone can go home and get ready to meet up at the gazebo for fireworks and ice cream.  Wear your favorite patriotic outfits. 

Seeing as how we love our homemade ice cream, sign up for the flavor you want to bring so we don't have too much vanilla this year. There will be a contest for the most original flavor as well as the tastiest. Preacher Amos, Pastor Otis, and Leland will be the judges. Leland mentioned that he has the biggest vote, due his girth and all the practice he's had at eating his wife's ice cream. But we all know how hard it will be to beat last year's winner of the original flavor. Remember Walt Sims's Basil Watermelon creation? The bar has been set high. 

Wilbur's Five and Dime has a good selection of patriotic accoutrements for your celebratory activities. There's a special that the more you buy, the larger a discount you can earn. Wilbur is happy to announce that he's donating the bowls from the Bi-Centennial that he found in the back room of his shop, for the ice cream social.  

Please enjoy a safe holiday with family and friends and I will see you back here for the next installment of the Gazette. 

Sweet Reader, 

You are loved and welcomed here. Be kind to each other.

Ruby Lee Brown

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Thank you!

Blessings, Dee Dee