Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Happy Easter! Big News Coming!

Dear Sweet Reader,

Happy Spring!

We here at the Gazette want to wish everyone a happy spring. Thistledown had snow flurries early this pretty falling on the cherry trees already in bloom.

Thistledown Hollow Gazette
April 2023

"Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song."

- Pope John Paul 11

Your editor loves this quote. 

Big news is coming for the hollow. As soon as the plans are finalized, I will share the details with you in the Gazette. Everyone is excited and ready to get to work on the project. I will share one clue...The residents of Thistledown Hollow are grateful to Primrose Baxter for a wonderful gift!

Miriam and Davis Locke are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Crystal Rose Locke to Brandon Giles Key. Crystal said they have had their fair share of chuckles over their last names, Locke and Key. She said they decided to embrace the names and run with it. The Gazette will have another announcement  concerning the wedding in conjunction with the big announcement alluded to above.

New Business

We want to welcome a new business to the hollow...Hollow Blooms. Vonda and Gary Thaxton have planted large sections of their homestead in lavender and other flowers for you to pick. Vonda will give classes on preserving the lovely blooms plus cooking with the edible verities. This endeavor will add much beauty to our already stunning hollow. More info to come.

We will be announcing another flower business in a couple of weeks that will have a twist. 

"You can't get too much of God's creation, either in a field or in a vase."

- Ruby Lee 

Painting Class Offered

Carrie Jane Giles told the Gazette that she will be offering watercolor painting classes after several residents reached out to her. Carrie said these classes will be for beginners. Tom Gorham, who said he couldn't draw a stick person so as a body could make out what it was intended to be, but was interested to try his hand at painting. A small fee will be charged for supplies. Your editor has already signed up.

Corinth Deavers is resting at home after a brief stay in the hospital. Corinth tells us that she was making her famous three flavor cake and dropped an egg on her tiled kitchen floor. Corinth thought she'd gotten up all of the egg remains but when she took a step toward the sink, she went down like a rock. We are happy to hear Corinth plans to fix her cake for the hollow Easter dinner with a little help from her niece Tammy Lynn.

Both hollow churches celebrated Palm Sunday last Sunday. Sweet services were offered along with stirring music. Everyone was blessed.

A joint Easter service will be held at Ivy On The Rock church.  Many lilies have been promised and more are expected. A cantata by the joint choirs will be performed during the worship hours.

The annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held at the gazebo, if weather permits, with Ivy On The Rock church being the alternative site. The hunt will start at 11:00 o'clock and will end at 12:00 followed by a lunch choice of several sandwiches, chips, and vegetable and fruit cups. Pictures will be made with our hollow bunny...bring your basket and be ready to find lots of eggs. The youth from Ivy on the Rock and Thistledown Hollow churches will be on hand to help the smaller egg hunters. Thanks to all who helped with this Hollow happening. Please refrain from letting your children eat the boiled and chocolate eggs until after bunny pictures have been taken...the bunny would be very appreciative! Also make sure your little ones know not to try to bite into the plastic eggs. Let the fun begin!


Bunny suit found. Eustace Watson said some how it ended up in the costume closet at Thistledown Baptist between the wise men and the children's sheep costumes. He had the inspired idea to suggest adding live bunnies to the Christmas Play seeing as how it would combine the two most important events into one.

Words of wisdom

"The entire plan for the future has its key in the resurrection." Reverend Billy Graham

Have a blessed Easter. 

He is risen indeed!    

Ruby Lee Brown

love to hear from you and read all the comments! 

Sometimes, I think the printer isn't working and I can't see you dear readers' name. 

So, if you can make sure it's there lovely friends, I would appreciate it so I can talk to you directly!



Thank you!

Blessings, Dee Dee